I had the honor of being sandwiched between two amazing ladies as part of a panel discussion on building strong brands.
Suzan Nsibirwa a partner at Urge Uganda and Seanice K. Lojede the Group CEO of Blue Flamingo Digital Africa. Our chat was moderated by a seasoned marketer, Richard Ndahiro. We had a Q and A session with the audience and here is a summary of my thoughts about the frequently asked questions.
What makes a strong brand?
Not many people quote Bruce Lee, I am possibly the only one who does.
“The weapon is the extension of the fighter” - Bruce Lee.
Strong business brands are an extension of strong individual brands steering them. Greatness begets greatness. Strong brands built by developing the leaders/founders of the brands.
We were all in agreement and Seanice recommended two books; Simon Sinek’s START WITH WHY and THE E-MYTH by –Michael E. Gerber. My recommendation was ZERO TO ONE by Peter Thiel.
Getting into a growth environment and finding mentors to call greatness out of the leaders and ultimately whatever it is that they lead.
Are there new approaches to brand building?
We all agreed that the communities and audiences’ entrepreneurs are looking for have moved and there is a need to adapt. However, my thoughts are that there’s nothing new under the sun according to the bible.
Branding has simply evolved starting in the Agricultural Revolution with the branding of animals. Then to the industrial revolution with product branding and using it as a differentiator, we moved to the Information age where branding took on the form of patents and intellectual property. As we enter the 4IR - I am personally convinced that the future of branding is personal. This has inspired my last two books LIVE YOUR BRAND - published 2017 and MIND YOUR BRAND -published 2018.
What should a Ugandan startup that wants to go global do?
There is no substitute for excellence. The idea must be excellent and solving a real human need and these are universal regardless of nationality, gender or race.
While many startups are running to focus on the “physical” attributes of brand promotion, they should always remember that;
1. What you say doesn’t matter as much as what you do.
2. Don’t focus on attracting multitudes of followers, focus on and build a high-quality community.
3. Your Brand is the Promise you make and Keep.
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